Protected Species Catch App
The New Zealand Department of Conservation Protected Species Catch application is for collecting data anonymously on accidental catch of our marine protected species by recreational fishers.
This application allows users to report any accidental catch of protected species themselves, or on behalf of someone else. The data collected is to be used for conservation purposes in New Zealand and the reported catch data can be viewed at docnewzealand.shinyapps.io/protectedspeciescatch.
Using the benefits of the Expo Framework we managed to deliver on time, this very simple mobile application in a very tight timeline (1 month) for iOS and Android, with a long-term cost-effective maintenance and support strategy This project proves that it is possible to build high quality apps, in a short amount of time, with an economical strategy for both development and support, by an NZ Government Department.
- Architect and Lead Developer: Sebastian Ibanez
- Junior Developer: James

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